men · relationships · women

Is Your Relationship Unhealthy?

If you are in a relationship, the most common question asked is what things do you like about the individual. Following this question is usually what things you do not like about your partner. Some things are easy habits that just need to be accepted: biting their nails or not making their bed or not being the best chef in the world, etc. Those things can be overlooked and accepted while still maintaining a healthy relationship. However, do you overlook too many things that result with you being in an unhealthy relationship?

This is a list of 35 different things that should be heavily considered when in a relationship. There are roughly 32 points within this blog which is in the Theology of the Body series. The Evert’s, Crystalina and Jason, created a “To Dump List” for each sex so people know which qualities their partner shouldn’t have in order to have a well-functioning relationship. Within this entry, it contains explanations below as to why these traits make a relationship unhealthy.  Hopefully this entry helps you realize more about yourself and more about what standards one should have in a relationship.

1)      You are dating just to date
2)      If they aren’t willing to accept you for you
3)      You communicate better over electronics than in person
4)      They promise things they are not able to keep.
5)      They are a good person under all that (insert nonsense/flaws) you just have to see them the way I do
6)      You feel the need to “fix” them.
7)      You can’t see yourself marrying them.
8)      That the people around you can’t stand your partner.
9)      If they resent you spending time with family and friends because they are more important
10)   You can’t stay with them and remain pure.
11)   When they are materialistic, only likes you because you buy them things, and only with you for your money.
12)   They are superficial, not caring about the meaningful things and caring about the things that don’t matter
13)   They flirt with others
14)   They sexually tease you
15)   Where your relationship is only based on attraction
16)   They have a drinking or drug problem.
17)   They look at pornography.
18)   They cheat on you.
19)   They are constantly gossiping about others
20)   They hit you, push you, or do anything to frighten you.
21)   You’ve had to tell them more than once to stop.
22)   They don’t care if you lie to your family.
23)   They lie to you more than telling you the truth and lies to their loved ones as well
24)   If you are not honest and capable of being yourself around them, as well as not being honest towards others about your relationship
25)   They can’t stand on their own 2 feet without you; they’re emotionally unable to function by themselves and are emotionally dependent on you.
26)   They put you down–even if they say they’re “just kidding” – results to the individual complimenting less
27)   They use guilt to get you to do what they want
28)   They manipulate you by threatening to end your relationship
29)   They behave badly and then blames it on other people or on things that happen to them
30)   They are unmotivated and apathetic where they don’t care about anything
31)   If you are asking yourself the question: “Do you think they are good enough for me?”
32)   If you are adjusting to their way of life way more than needed and they are not willing to make changes in their life for you
33)   If they aren’t willing to kill the inner single person while being in a committed relationship.
34)   They lead you away from God.
35)   You aren’t being treated the way God treats you

Well there you have it. The 35 things that would make a relationship unhealthy and things that need to changed so you are able to love properly. Always keep note of the basic do’s and don’t’s, how inner emotions of one/others can have negative effects, how the secular world can corrupt others, how inner things can frighten oneself/others, partners causing unhealthy environments, manipulation and lack of caring from a partner, and not being able to show your partner proper love. Remember with God all is possible. Keep Christ in the centre of your relationship: His teachings as personal reflections to always become more holy and saint like, plus recognising how He is the best example of true love and sacrifice one can lay down for their loved one.

Many blessings and may God always bless you and your loved ones,

To see explanations to these points click here.

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